Superatom Lab

Dedicated to study the chemistry and physics of superatomic clusters and nanoscale systems

JSPS Invitational Fellowships

December 23, 2023

Alhamdulillah,  I am thrilled and grateful to be awarded the prestigious and competitive JSPS Invitational Fellowship to undertake research at Hokkaido University with Professor Katsuaki Konishi for 10 months. 

It is definitely a kind of once-in-a-lifetime achievement to be  celebrated. Professor Konishi is one of the top guns in the field of gold cluster chemistry. He has made four major discoveries in the field. 
  1. HCl etching as a way to synthesize size-selective stable Au clusters.
  2. Synthesis of core+exo structures of Au clusters.
  3. Chiral core framework of Au clusters using phosphine ligands.
  4. Assembly and aggregation of Au clusters in condensed state.
I am looking forward to learn from his expertise and experience as a grandmaster of cluster chemistry. 


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